Alastair Kneale's blog

Aawoalley yn Chommeeys Celtiagh rish Kiannoort noa

Naight - Radio Vannin (News - Manx Radio)

Aawoalley yn Chommeeys Celtiagh rish Kiannoort noa

Enmyssey yn Lhiass-Chiannoort noa, t'eh er chur ferg er y Chommeeys Celtiagh.

Yn Reejerey Richard Gozney, diplomagh choorse-bea, gowee eh ynnyd Adam Wood ayns Mee Averil. She ayns Bermuda va'n startey diploamagh jerrinagh echey.

Bernard Moffatt jeh'n Chommeeys, t'eh gra dy lhisagh ad geddyn rey rish ennym y startey, chammah as y startey eh hene.

Celtic League reaction to new Governor

Independence: Stop Being Silly That's Patronising!


If your own country is an Independent State that’s fine but if you live in a colony and aspire to independence it might be ‘patronising; to grant your wishes. Welcome to the twisted world of Sir Richard Gozney!

The new Lt Governor appointed to the Isle of Man, to take Office from April, certainly projects all the arrogance of the British ‘nanny state’.

He should find good company amongst the ‘pretend Ministers’ of the Isle of Man ‘pretend government’ plus the remnants (sadly a few of them Manx) of empire loyalists here.

The War Is Over

Canada: Gordon Gets A Xmas Card!


It’s nice to stay in touch at Xmas even if the people you are staying in touch with can be – well a little rude!

Celtic League deals with all sorts of people from local Councils, Ministers to Prime Ministers and a plethora of agencies and bodies. Invariably you always get a very full response or at the very least an acknowledgement. We always try to be nice in return! I mean we even got a ‘positive’ response when we asked the CIA to change an entry in their (Isle of Man) country yearbook some years ago!

The UK Has Been Poisoning Our Children For Years And The Manx Government Does Nothing!


Some one forwarded a link to the ‘Ten most Radioactive Places on Earth’ and of course right up there on the list of shame is Seallafield. Here’s a quote from the site:…/10-most-radioactive-places-on…/5/

Why The World Climate Change Conference 2015 Is Doomed To Fail

The planet earth is in a parlous state. Many people know and even experience the damaging effects of climate change every day through unpredictable and severe weather events and the destruction of the very lands in which they live. It strikes a particularly deep chord for Celtic peoples and those of Celtic descent. Because our landscape, seas and geographic location has played a pivotal role in our history, beliefs and recognition of ourselves.

Isle of Man - This Is Going To End In Tears!


“the greatest political con trick since King John of England tried a similar stunt in 1215 that ended up with Magna Carta”

Isle of Man - Jersey Goes Down The Toilet, So Will We, But Ours Will Be Taxed

News From The Celtic League

The fact that a UK ‘National’ newspaper woke up to the fact that the Crown Dependencies exist was exercising the media today.

Jersey it seems is going down the toilet fast and there is a far chance the Isle of Man will follow. Of course people from the business community will be wheeled out to say that we have ‘strengths’ that Jersey does not have. Politicians will say we have been diversifying the economy for years etc.

Crowd Funding Appeal for New York Memorial to a Manxman is supported by President of Tynwald


News From The Celtic League

A 4-week £4,000 crowd-funding initiative is being led by author Bob Stimpson and the US and Manx descendants of William Kennish. Running until 28th December, raising funds to place a memorial in New York made from Manx Granite, the initiative has been endorsed by Hon Clare Christian MLC, President of Tynwald, the Isle of Man government.

Isle of Man - Illiam Dhone Ceremony Will Focus On ‘This Government Of Charlatans’


The National Illiam Dhone ceremony is held each year on the 2nd January at Hango Hill, Castletown the place of execution of the 17th century patriot William Christian.

The iconic ruin of the old summerhouse forms a grim, though misleading, back drop. It was in fact constructed after the events of Jan 2nd 1663 when Dhone met his death with dignity at that place.


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