Public Concerns Over Urbanisation of Kernow Grows

Although the Westminster Government and Cornwall Council seem completely unaware of it, public concerns over the growing urbanisation of Cornwall continues to grow.

Never before have we witnessed so many protest sites occurring on social media accompanied by condemnatory postings.

Some social media content is spilling over into petitions and campaign groups and tax paying residents of Cornwall are feeling distinctly ill at ease with the massed and quite frankly out of control building we are witness to. Even holiday makers are shocked that the Cornwall they visited a few years ago is fast being built over.

Naturally, the mainstream media remain silent, complicit as they are in the revenue streams generated by advertising funded by the housing companies, estate agents and local government.

Attention was drawn to a newly built house situated on the Goldings 'develoment' near to the little hamlet that was Lane, at Newquay and which is photographed below.

We have heard of more and more complaints from this substandard and swiftly thrown up housing from buyers and occupants all over Cornwall. 

Barely a week goes by where we do not read of windows falling out of houses or local residents complaining of the new 'ghettos' or 'gulags' as the one just east of Camborne has been christened.

One young couple had the rain pouring in on them in one such new house but doubtless, Cornwall Council and its soon reduced number of elected representatives will continue to bow before the Westminster Government and allow more such 'jerry building' in a vain attempt to plug the financial and pension black holes that the people of Cornwall are now lumbered with. 

History teaches much and there are many lesson which are now being conveniently forgotten. You cannot expect an economy built on Fiat currency to be sustainable and the new builds of today which are being snapped up as second homes and by immigrants into the Duchy will surely become the slums of tomorrow.

Can the government, local authorities and huge public and private concerns possibly get things wrong? Yes they can and more often than one might believe. Grenfell, tragic premature deaths by the hundreds in NHS establishments, the list continues to grow. Strangely, no one seems to be held accountable but the public are becoming increasingly savvy using the borderless internet to air real concerns which are too often ignored elsewhere.

The following is abstracted from one such website which is growing in its support but which is not under our control.

We quote:

"1 YEAR OLD, CREAKS, LEAKS, DAMP MOULD, DON'T BUY, RUN!" reads the message put up by a new house owner near Newquay.

Report from petition website:

Newquay under siege with substandard red-brick second-home estate; Cornwall’s distinctiveness disappearing fast



The obviously disgruntled occupier of this house on the Goldings development at Lane on the outskirts of Newquay is directly opposite the show home.

We checked this out ourselves today and it really beggars belief, apart from the alleged substandard construction who on earth sanctioned a red brick estate on the edge of our Cornish countryside?

One very noticeable feature was the sheer number of non Cornish registered vehicles even allowing for the fact that some of the few local residents may have bought secondhand cars from elsewhere.

This is clear evidence of massive in migration and the lack of control being exercised by Cornwall's planners with regard to the aesthetics of this truly depressing place.

How embarrassing for all concerned!

Some campaigners’ comments relating to this latest environmental, architectural and human outrage:

“How much are they charging for this shite? It's amazing how both the banks and the government (through their help to buy scheme), will only lend money for mortgages on these, supposedly, “properly built”, industry-endorsed homes.

It beggars belief. Well done this page for standing up for decency.”

"Those bricks look shocking”

“Utterly disgusting and all from a company where the chief executive stands to get a £75m bonus, partly as a result of screwing their poor house buyers. With a government imposed new housing target for Cornwall likely to reach 60,000, there will more of the same coming to locations near you very soon. The wrecking of Cornwall is gathering pace simply to line the pockets of the greedy.”

“Who every gave this the go ahead should be removed and flogged publicly!”

“The chronology of failure is no longer avoidable”

“Evidently these ‘thrown up’ houses are only expected to last between 25-30 yrs! Shocking”

Again, although this petition website is not under the control of 'Kernow Matters To Us' although we fully respect and agree with the views contained therein.

Kernow bys vyken!


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