No gutter into which Police Forces will not go!

The Frederick Street Dublin evictions continue to generate fall out with flagship news publication The Irish Times carrying this thought provoking article by Una Mullally which speculates that the manner in which the events unfolded show the system is conspiring against the people:

Police Forces are not always so publicly partisan as they were In Dublin this week but over the decades we have seen States use their police forces to crush dissent and stifle protest. In the UK it was the police that crushed the miners strike not popular dissent. Indeed in any country in including this one the police are the first weapon used against strikers - I know I’ve seen them in action and remember they could not catch burglars but they were hell bent to catch a few kids with paint brushes almost a decade ago!

More recently the scandal surrounding the infiltration of various UK protest movements by undercover police officers who not only seduced women but fathered children with them all whilst living a sham showed there is no gutter into which some police forces will not go.

When exposed of course the police lie their way out of it with the arrogance of pinocchio as indeed is happening in Dublin now!

Image: Frederick Street ‘holding the line’ with menace and anonymity!

Bernard Moffatt

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