Trashing the trees was illegal Trevor tells Boot!

The trees felled so a housing development in Peel could go ahead may be gone but active campaigner Trevor Cowin has not.

Trevor sends me a copy of an email in which he points out to DEFA how he believes it has broken its own rules by sanctioning the creative forestry on the fringe of Peel. It seems a persuasive argument and you would think given the Islands biosphere status much trumpeted by DEFA and COMIN someone would take it seriously.

Cowin I know circulates his campaign information widely amongst MHK/MLCs and if he is correct that this is the worst case of government sanctioned environmental vandalism since Geoff Boot tried to set the heather blazing with his ‘al fresco barbeque’ then surely some amongst our trusty band of politicos will take the issue up. Indeed it surely ranks alongside Alf Cannan MHK and aspiring Chief Minister steadfastly looking the other way as someone touted building wooden shacks on the Ayres!

However I doubt the great and good of our political elite will assist Trevor in his crusade to save ‘our biosphere’ as most MHK/MLCs are comfortably ensconced on the government gravy train and rocking the boat is not it seems their top priority.

Trevor it seems is a persistent irritant they can ignore - however it will only take one catastrophic blunder to bring their political house of cards tumbling down - please god let it come soon!

Bernard Moffatt

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