Politician in 'Media could do better' shock!

Manx journalism is not so much given a slap-down by MHK Lawrie Hooper in this report as being sent to ‘the naughty corner’ so it's hardly a body blow to the profession more a gentle chiding (link):


The interesting thing is of course that Hooper avers journalists could do more when in the past journalists were being chided for being to assertive or lacking balance depending on your perspective.

Some years ago a Manx Radio journalist of some renown as a sharp interviewer confided in me that a prominent government minister refused to to interviewed by him. More recently the Chief Minister gave his famous (or infamous) put down to the media addressing them sternly in 'that speech' in Tynwald. Later Howard tried to shift the emphasis and suggest he meant social media but any who watched the speech could tell it was the main stream that were the target of his ire.

Of course ‘the hoi polloi’ never miss an opportunity to kick ‘the boys and girls of Peel Road or the Head’. As a member of ‘the great unwashed’ given a platform (I used the Illiam Dhone commemoration once) I have lambasted politicians and journalists as the most loathed professions. It wasn’t strictly accurate although both groups find themselves in the first ten.

In any case can we compare an essentially insular media to that in larger countries. Tim Glover is hardly going to come across as Jeremy Paxman and Paul Mouton is no Irving R Levine but then the news fodder they have to work with most of the time is hardly earth shattering. To be blunt I think they should be applauded if they can make a statement from PAG or Travelwatch or a mundane visit to a Ship in the bay seem interesting.

However we will have to see if Hooper's no doubt well intentioned though sharply timed intervention encourages the media to ‘try harder’. I suppose we will not really know until Howard criticises them again or another government Minister takes the huff.

As for me I’ll always ‘wash my hands of them’. But then it's all part of ‘the game’ although these days I loath ‘the Chamber of Chancers’ and unelected politicians more than I loath the denizens of ‘the head’ or ‘Peel Road’!

Image: If you are expecting a ‘Irving R Levine’ at Manx Radio. MTTV or on ‘Peel Road’ you’ll wait a long time!

Bernard Moffatt

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