New Album Celebrating Cultural and Musical Links Between Scotland and Isle of Man

A new album that will celebrate the cultural and musical links between the Isle of Man (Manx: Mannin) and Scotland (Scottish Gaelic: Alba) is to be recorded by a Scottish harpist and Manx Gaelic Singer. Scotland's Rachel Hair is seen as one of the world’s finest exponents of Scottish harp (clarsach) playing. She has performed internationally, released five critically-acclaimed albums and published four harp books. Ruth Keggin has released two critically-acclaimed solo albums in the Manx Gaelic language. She has also collaborated with other artists from the Celtic countries and performed at Festival Interceltique de Lorient in Brittany (Breton: Breizh).

Some funding for the project has come from the Isle of Man Arts Council. This month (March 2021) they launched a joint crowdfunding campaign to produce their debut duo album. They have been selected to be part of a ’crowdmatch’ initiative between Creative Scotland and the organisation Crowdfunder. Details of how to donate can be seen on this link Rachel and Ruth - a debut duo album! The songs on Ruth and Rachel’s album will be predominantly in the Manx language and will feature a blend of traditional, well-known repertoire and contemporary compositions by Manx writers.

Image: Ruth Keggin and Rachel Hair (Photo: Mark Falconer)


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